Thursday, March 3, 2011

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: VASER Liposuction

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: VASER Liposuction: "Latest, third generation ULTRASONIC liposuction technique that is designed to virtually eliminate bleeding during surgery and to reduce in..."

VASER Liposuction

Latest, third generation ULTRASONIC liposuction technique that is designed to virtually eliminate bleeding during surgery and to reduce inflammation and bruising. VASER Ultrasound technology literally liquefies the fat, which allows for greater precision and vastly superior results.
Ideal candidate for Vaser Liposuction
All candidates for liposuction should have realistic expectations of the results that can be achieved through the procedure and should be in good physical and mental health. The best candidate is someone who is in excellent health, is within 25 pounds of his or her ideal body weight, and has deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise.
At the consultation
You should express your desires and expectations from the surgical procedures. The surgeon will evaluate your medical health and explain the surgical techniques available to you. Your question will be answered as thoroughly as possible.  Examinations of your trouble are will be performed. The surgeon will go over the risks and potential complications of the procedure, as well as, the pre-operative and post –operative process.

Risk Factors
All surgeries carry some risks. Listed below are the risks or potential complications:
The risks of VASER liposuction are very similar to the liposuction risks associated with any other method. However, because LipoSelection minimizes damage to other body tissues, patients typically experience less pain and fewer side effects than with other forms of liposuction. Serious liposuction complications are quite rare. Fat clots or blood clots may form, and there is a chance these will migrate to the lungs and cause serious illness. The fluid loss that results from liposuction will be anticipated by a qualified doctor, as it can cause low blood pressure, friction burns, or fluid buildup. The LipoSelection probe’s ultrasound energy may injure the skin or deeper tissues; although in most cases the benefits of the ultrasound system make it safer than traditional liposuction. If a doctor inexperienced with the LipoSelection procedure applies too much fluid, the wetting solution may collect in the lungs. If there is too much lidocaine in the liposuction solution, lidocaine toxicity may develop.
Before the surgery
At this time, you will be given an opportunity to ask any further questions. Continuation of healthy diet and exercise is very important before the surgery. Smoking must be stopped at least two weeks before the surgery
On the day of the operation
No eating or drinking for 8 hours before the surgery.  You should wear loose fitting clothing and sneakers. Do not wear sandals or slippers. You will meet with our nurse to prepare you for surgery. The surgeon will discuss the procedure with you again and do pre-operative planning. You will meet with our anesthesia provider to discuss anesthesia. You will be given a choice of day surgery or general anesthesia which required at least one day hospital stay depend on your choice but normally if it is an extensive surgery,   we required 4 days and 3 night’s hospital stay.
Anesthesia used
This procedure can be performed using local or general anesthesia.
 During the surgery
First, the area to be sculpted is filled with a special saline solution that helps numb the site and shrink the blood vessels (to minimize blood loss and reduce bruising). This solution wets and fills the area to be treated, making fat easier to break up with the VASER System’s sound energy. Then a small probe transmits sound energy (similar to that used for cataract removal in the eye) that breaks up fat on contact, while leaving other important tissues relatively intact. Finally, gentle suction of the sculpted site removes the emulsified fat quickly. Thanks to its patented technology, only the LipoSelection procedure first emulsifies and then removes fat in this manner.
Post Operative Expectation
The treated area will be wrap with compression garments snugly and continuously for 6 days-2wks. Usually drains are placed removing excess fluid over a period of 2-3 days.
 Back to normal work
Regular exercise work out may start after 2 weeks, start with light exercise then gradually move your way up to your regular routine as tolerated by your body.
Pre-Operative instruction
  1. Consultation with surgeon
  2. Evaluation for other medical conditions
  3. ECG and Blood test will be taken
  4. No intake of food or water 6 hrs prior to surgery
  5. Compression garments should be available to be used post-op
  6. Stop smoking and alcohol intake at least 2 weeks before surgery
  7. Anticoagulants, vitamins, hormones (including birth control pills), anti-depressants and some other medications also to be stopped at least 2 weeks before surgery.
Post-Operative instruction
  1. Wrap treated area with compression garments snugly and continuously for 6 days-2 weeks.
  2. A day after the surgery, patient may have light to moderate physical activities
  3. Some incisions will be left open and drainage is expected, absorbent pads should be used and changed frequently as needed.  
  4. Incisions will close by themselves within 2-3 days.  Use band aid to protect incision sites.
  5. Keep incision clean
  6. May have quick bath after 2 days post op. Regular shower when incisions are closed.
  7. May use regular girdle 2 weeks after compression garments.
  8. Do not apply ice packs or a heating pad to skin overlying the areas treated by liposuction
  9. Do not soak in a bath, Jacuzzi, pool or beach at last 7 days post-op
  10. Bruising may diminish after 2-3 weeks
  11. Return for check-up after 4 days removal of stitches.
  12. Swelling is expected, Maximal in the first 2 weeks, then gradually subsides.  Final result in 3-4 months.
  13. Skin may feel numb on the surface but insides are tender to touch.
  14. Some areas may become hard and lumpy; this is normal and will go away when fully recovered
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: 3D Jaw Angle Reduction

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: 3D Jaw Angle Reduction: "Dr. Juta Jansi is a plastic surgeon who performs jaw reduction surgery using a unique technique that is particularly common among Asians. ..."

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Durability Face Lift

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Durability Face Lift: "A facelift is a popular surgical technique where the skin is tightened and reduces the appearance of wrinkles to give a younger looking ap..."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: 3D Jaw Angle Reduction

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: 3D Jaw Angle Reduction: "Dr. Juta Jansi is a plastic surgeon who performs jaw reduction surgery using a unique technique that is particularly common among Asians. ..."

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Durability Face Lift

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Durability Face Lift: "A facelift is a popular surgical technique where the skin is tightened and reduces the appearance of wrinkles to give a younger looking ap..."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Labiaplasty

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Labiaplasty: "Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that will reduce and/or reshape the labia minora - the skin that covers the female clitoris and vagin..."


Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that will reduce and/or reshape the labia minora - the skin that covers the female clitoris and vaginal opening.
During surgery, larger or uneven inner vaginal lips are cut and shortened using specialized scissors, a scalpel or a laser. In addition, the labia majora, on the outside of the body, can be reduced with either surgery or liposuction if needed. A hoodectomy, which exposes the clitoris in an attempt to increase sexual stimulation, may be performed at the same time.
The appropriate incision location depends on many individual factors, including the configuration, texture and size of the labia. The surgeon will then suture the incision closed with absorbable sutures
Duration of the operation:
Labiaplasty usually takes no longer than 2 hours or in some cases is no more than 1 hour.

Post-Operative Care
Clean the incision site with hydrogen peroxide and put antibiotic cream/ointment on a daily basis. Your stitches should dissolve within 2-2 ½ weeks. Swelling and tenderness should gradually disappear within 6 weeks. Oral medications can reduce pain. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.

Recovery period:
After surgery, you can't have intercourse for about 4 weeks, and your genitals will be tender and swollen for several weeks. You will be asked to stop any heavy, strenuous exercise for three or more weeks after surgery. Also you cannot use tampons and douches for 3 to 6 weeks following surgery. While recovering, you will need to wear a pad for one week or less, due to the bleeding that results. Most women resume normal activities, like work, within four days.

Labiaplasty reduces the length of the labia minora and changes their shape. It can increase self esteem and self confidence and enhance the female sexual satisfaction.
We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible Risk and Complication
With any surgical procedure there are certain risks. The most common can include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, and scarring. Although these events are usually infrequent, they sometimes can occur. These will be discussed with you during the consultation for your procedure.

Anesthesia use:
General or local anesthesia with sedation

Hospital admission:
Labiaplasty can be performed on an out patient basis or in the hospital under local or general anesthesia. You and your surgeon will discuss preferences.

Preparation before surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
  • Do not have sexual intercourse the night before the surgery.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Gluteal Augmentation

Finding Best Plastic Surgeon In Bangkok Thailand: Gluteal Augmentation: "Gluteal Augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses buttock implants to increase the size and reshape the appearance of the b..."

Gluteal Augmentation

Gluteal Augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses buttock implants to increase the size and reshape the appearance of the buttocks. Incision may be made in any one of the following places: where the cheek meets the back of the thigh, or down the buttock crease. The incision is usually made in the buttock crease, where scars are not noticeable. The surgeon then creates a pocket large enough to insert the butt implants. The implants can be placed either under the gluteus maximus muscle, or on top of the muscle. Sometimes, the surgeon performs liposuction in order to further enhance the shape of the buttocks. After performing the same procedure on the other buttock, the surgeon makes sure the buttocks are symmetrical and look natural. Then he/she stitches up the incisions.

Duration of the procedure:
Buttock augmentation surgery normally lasts between 2 and 4 hours.

Post-Operative Care:
 You will wear a compression garment over the buttocks to provide support, which should not be removed for the next few days following surgery. It is important to take the medication prescribed to you by your surgeon to manage discomfort from swelling and bruising. Someone will need to drive you home, and you may need assistance at home over the next couple of days. Expect to be in bed for the next 24 hours following surgery. Refrain from sitting down until the incisions have bonded and early ambulation after the first two days of surgery to promote healing and effective circulation.

Recovery Period:
You’ll experience swelling and bruising in the buttocks for the first 2- 3 days after a gluteal augmentation procedure. Swelling and bruising will gradually disappear for about 1 month. You will need 4 to 6 weeks before full recovery occurs and normal levels of activity can be resumed.

Dr. Juta’s technique for buttock augmentation provides a more natural shape and size of the buttocks. With experience and expertise, Dr.Juta has helped men and women who desire a more rounded and beautiful buttock.
We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible Risks and Complications
All surgical procedures carry some risk. The risks of undergoing buttock implant surgery include infection, unsatisfactory results, excessive bleeding, adverse reaction to anesthesia, and the need for second, or sometimes third, procedures. Risks are minimal, although, as with any surgery, complications can arise.

Anesthesia use:
General or local anesthesia with sedation

Hospital admission:
Gluteal Augmentation can be performed on an out patient basis or in the hospital under local or general anesthesia. You and your surgeon will discuss preferences.

Preparation before Surgery:
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +66830868173